Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crayon rubbing and reading.

We've got lots of snow and ice and temperatures that won't move above zero.  Very unusual for where I live.  And not my favourite, may I say???!!! Almost slipped on the ice when I went out with bird seed this morning.  Oh my goodness.  Makes one want to stay inside and just play.  Or read.  I've been reading, and reading, and reading.  My favourite escape!
This is a piece prepared with crayon-rubbed rice paper inked over with procion.  Two methods I really enjoy.  And colours I really enjoy. 
And I enjoy a cup of rooibos tea.  Good sipping to read by.  Yup, definitely reading.


  1. Ooooh!! This is simply stunning! And a perfect antidote to a cold and snowy day.

  2. Hi Marny! Do you mix your Procion dyes into gels or more liquid? It's a great resist looks almost metallic! cc

  3. Hi Joanie and Carissa. Tks for stopping by!! Procion dyes, I love them. Here they are just mixed with a little water....just some dyes that I had left over from a dyeing session that I am using now as inks. They have such a richness to them, don't they? They truly chase away the blues. Or the whites, in the case of the snow!

  4. Marny, what wonderful color combination. Since I have stirred my interest in quilting, I am paying attention to combinations of colored patterns. Your piece is a wonderful example of yumminess. Crayon rubbing, yes, I remember Gail's class. You have really very nicely used this technique to get wonderful texture and color to sing out. I am glad you are enjoying your "snow time".
