Saturday, March 30, 2013

Art and Fear

Have you been wondering where I was??  Me too.  I have fallen into a black hole and have been trying to dig my way out.  Good grief, what is wrong with me?????
I have had my next piece of work sitting staring at me for some time now and that little, no, BIG voice in my head kept telling me that there was no way I could complete it, that I would totally wreck it, that it couldn't possibly be a success.  Well, I haven't completed it yet, and I might totally wreck it, but one thing is for sure.....if I do nothing, it will never be a success.   Or anything else.  And I won't have learned a thing.  
At the same time, I started reading a little book called "Art and Fear" and it is incredible.  It seems to address all those questions I was throwing at myself, and all the doubts as well.  And I felt encouraged to just get up and get at it.  So I did.  And I might not complete it the way I want is way out of my comfort zone.  But at least I will know that I can venture into my dis-comfort zone and still breathe!!

So I am off to do a bit more stitching, and a bit more breathing.
I'll be back.....


  1. I LOVE this book as well Marny! It's good for all types of fear or worry or apprehension.
    Diggin' the colors and bold threads on these pieces.

  2. Thanks, Carissa. So great to hear from you!! Hoping to see you in July!

  3. I love what I can see behind the book .... lovely colours!
