Thursday, June 12, 2014

A blue pair

This is another little piece I have developed from a gelatin printing plate using fabric paints.  I really think the fabric paints (I am using Jacquard fabric paints) perform really well using this plate.

This is actually two separate prints that I sewed together and then quilted up using free motion stitching.  I think there could be a lot of room for further development of this printing technique.  I still haven't tried it with thickened procion dyes but that is next on the agenda.  I am wondering if the dyes will stain the print plate.

I'll give it a try and get back to you.....


  1. The colours in this are beautifully subtle. I must try gelatin printing with fabric paints. I've only tried acrylics so far. Thanks for the tip.

  2. I am quite happy with how the textile paints performed. And they don't stain the plate at all (I used the gelatin/glycerin plate I made earlier). I have yet to try them with the gelli-arts plate. But soon!!

  3. I like how you've created texture with both stitch and paint, and I really get a sense of how your art and stitch skills have come together - like the pears! I am interested to see how the thickened dye prints turn out!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. I'll certainly keep you posted!

  4. What LOVELY work, Marny! Pears have definitely become a strong motif in your work. I love how you've translated them inti your gelli plate prints. Wonderful everything that you're doing. You must be out of your rut,
