Saturday, September 27, 2014

The longest and the best birthday ever!!

It's 8 o'clock on a Sunday morning and I can hear church bells and birds singing.  The sun is shining and it's going to be another beautiful day.  Yesterday we went out for a meal and a meander; it was one of those BIG birthdays and while I have celebrated the actual day here in Provence, it feels as if this whole trip is one giant birthday!!  I cannot believe how lucky I am!!!

(Hmmm, I notice that the date of this post is the 27th, which means that it's STILL my birthday.  Honestly, it just goes on and on!!!!)

 Walking down Rue Joseph Vernet again.  Maybe a painting out of this one???

The view across the street from our living room window.  Light and shadows and roses.  Lovely.

The view out our bedroom window.  Sigh.

Today we are going to walk up to Les Halles again and buy some dinner fixings.  Honestly, it can't get any better!!

I'll be back....


  1. What a lovely trip you are having. It's a beautiful part of France - one we've enjoyed several times. I envy you.
    Some beautiful photos ... and I love the fruit plate in the post below.
    Gosh what a shock it's going to be for us all to get back to the normal routine when we've all come home!

    1. Hi Margaret. Yes, but isn't it fabulous to be able to travel about!! I'll try and postpone the shock as long as possible by visiting my favourite bakeries when I get the interest of looking after my sanity, of course....

  2. I can feel your joy Marny!
    Happy Belated B-day, Sweet Lady.

    1. Carissa!! How great to hear from you! Yup, another year older, but somehow, it's not that bad!!!! I mean, really...Provence!!!!!
      Hope you are well and are just where you want to be!!
      Big hugs!

  3. And a happy belated birthday to you! I finally read through your posts and could just hear you talking through sounds delightful, a little art, a little walking, a little food....what could be better!
    Have a croissant for me, not wait....have two!

    1. Thanks Susan. It's all pretty magical. And don't worry, I've been having croissants for everyone it seems....just part of what I am, well, literally, now!!!...

  4. What a lucky woman you are !!!
    Happy Belated Birthday, Marny !

    1. Lucky, indeed! This is such fun!! (Well, except for the getting older part, but hey....!!!)
