Thursday, September 1, 2016

Oh the madness!!!

Still playing but the possibilities are pretty much infinite.  And at some point one has to say 'Done!'
I think.  These are two pics from Lille, France.  The gite we stayed at there had a spectacular garden.  And so I have LOTS of pics to choose from.  And here I am trying to choose between cropping, or not.  Which filters to use.  Which overlays.  Warmer, cooler.  And my laptop screen shows a much lighter, warmer version than my iPad.  Agh!!  And so, with photoshop, and Life, too, I suppose.....what is real????

The fun part is real.  I'm going with that!  Which version do you like best?


  1. The top one definitely ... though they're both lovely. I think it's addictive?!

    1. Thanks, Margaret. I found it fairly impossible to decide! And addictive...oh my yes. But in SUCH a good way! It really has made life at my kitchen table so good! Who would have thought!

  2. Do I have to choose? Each one has such a different atmosphere.The bottom one is moodier. Addiction or passion?

    1. Kind of hard to choose, I think. They each say something different, don't they. And oh my goodness, addiction AND passion. Could be worse!!! Could be chocolate!
