Friday, April 21, 2017

Spring at last!!

We are at last getting some lovely spring weather and the trees that were waiting for some warmth are all blooming at once.  I think we are about a month behind, but at least it's all happening now!!  I love it!

I went out early yesterday morning to feed the birds and the sun was shining through the garden gate.  And catching these sweet bluebells.  I grabbed my iPhone and snapped a couple of pictures.

I love being able to catch these quick photo opportunities with my iPhone....what an invention!!  And so very portable.  Why didn't I discover this sooner???!!  But just happy to have it along with me now.

I'm off for my morning walk!!!  Yay!  Life is good!!!

Back soon.
Thanks for staying with me....


  1. Sounds like heaven. Your enthusiasm is infectious!! I'm so glad it's finally spring too.

    1. Thanks, Jo. Isn't spring the best!! I noticed the other day that even the sound of the wind is it's moving through the leaves! So lovely. (Did I mention that I love spring??!!!)

  2. Warm spring weather ... and an iPhone and Photoshop to capture it all. What more could you want?!
    Happy times!

    1. So true, Margaret!! I am having so much fun!!! Hope it's lovely your way as well!
