Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Warm-up Exercise

Home again and settling in.  My cat spent the night on my bedside table, purring and occasionally reaching out to paw at my face, to make sure I was truly there. We finally got up at 4 so we could REALLY visit.  And a question: why does it always take so much longer to unpack than it does to pack???

The workshop with Kerr Grabowski was really fabulous.  18 lovely and very talented ladies, tons of really inspiring work and what a great instructor.  A wonderful week all around.  This photo is from a warm-up blind contour drawing (we did three actually) that Kerr assigned based on an item that we had brought (mine was the pepper mill that I had previously painted in a watercolour...see my post from august 29.)  We then got to enlarge it on the photocopier and were instructed to work further by applying some bits of colour.  I really like layering things so I put the piece that we worked on tracing paper on top of the pen drawing and then put some painted tracing paper on top of that.  A great exercise to generate ideas when faced with the blank page (or blank brain, sigh).  I'd like to try this on fabric with organza.  I'll post some of the deconstructed print work later.

Well, I think I've solved the picture-splitting problem but now I need to figure out how to upload edited photos from photoshop elements.  I have a much more esthetically pleasing cropped piece but it wouldn't load up.  Oh well, one problem at a time!

And google seems to have changed its format for viewing pictures.  Now you cannot double click to get a nice close image but have to be content with a slide show of sorts.  Good grief.

And finally, check out Kerr's website  http://www.kerrgrabowski.com/.  Such a talented person!  I'd recommend a workshop with her any time.

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